Enable installation of prebuilt man pages and api docs.
Add checks that man pages and api docs end up in tarball.
It was triggered by a problem in the 1.4.0 tarball: man pages were empty and api documentation missing
Fix issue when the libFLAC user seeks in a file instead of libFLAC itself.
Improve search for libssp on MinGW (Ozkan Sezer, Martijn van Beurden).
Fix detection of bswap intrinsics (Ozkan Sezer).
Fix issue with Clang not compiling functions with intrinsics.
Fix cross-compiling and out-of-tree building when pandoc and doxygen are not available.
-msse2 is no longer added by default (was only applicable to x86).
Default CFLAGS are now prepended instead of dropped when user CFLAGS are set.
Improve ability to tune compile for a certain system (for example with -march=native) when combining with –disable-asm-optimizations: plain C functions can now be better optimized.
Made console output more uniform across different platforms and CPUs.
Remove all pure assembler, removing build dependency on nasm.
Remove xmms plugin (Martijn van Beurden, TokyoBlackHole).
A problem with FLAC playback in GStreamer (and possibly other libFLAC users) was the reason for the short time since the last release Once again, this release only has a few changes.
This changelog is not exhaustive, review the git commit log for an exhaustive list of changes.